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PT. Sinar Mas Multiartha, Tbk, Account Officer (AO)

In 2005 PT. Sinar Mas Multiartha, Tbk, which is a Business Group Sinarmas under its Financial Services business group to take over PT. Bank Shinta Indonesia which was established in 1989 which became operational since March 1990. PT. Bank Shinta Indonesia experienced a change of name to Bank Sinarmas in December 2006.

In an effort to meet the directives of Bank Indonesia, which are for commercial banks to go public soon became the company so that their shares can be owned by the general public, then in 2010 after obtaining the approval from the competent authorities, precisely on December 13, the Bank first listed its stock Indonesia Stock Exchange thus increasing the capital structure of Rp. 160 billion, from Rp. 568 billion to Rp. 728 billion.

Society's interest to have a high enough Bank Shares, this is because by encouraging business growth and significant enough, this can be seen in total assets at end-December 2010 amounted to 11.2 trillion, growing office network to 110 offices spread almost all provinces in Indonesia and are connected in real time on-line banking and information technology that has been achieved.

As a private national bank, the Bank has consistently expand its market share amid the challenge of emerging markets in Indonesia. Effort and initiative is required to meet the needs of our customers and the community, the business activity that was originally on the market of small business financing, medium and micro enterprises to grow in commercial and consumer financing.

Facilities demands sophisticated information technology in the present and future of banking challenge to provide best service to the community. Therefore, in 2007 the Bank facilitating an integrated banking technology is not limited to space and time ie, Phone Banking, Internet Banking, and Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). Purposes in this IT field from time to time continue to be developed in line with business needs.

The Bank stepped forward to develop themselves continuously with high enthusiasm and commitment from the shareholders, trustees and employees of the Bank to improve the quality of service with the highest standard to customers and is accompanied by a strong financial structure, the Bank will make as a Leading Bank Indonesia source

Company Vision
"To become the foremost bank in Indonesia"
Company Mission

  1. Expanding the customer base, ranging from small to corporate customers, through cooperation with financial
  2. institutions and other business partners.
  3. Expanding the branch network to penetrate the market at the centers of the SME and corporate scale business sector.
  4. Improving the ability of Information Technology and Human Resources in order to provide the best service.
  5. Civilize Risk Management system in accordance with the principles of prudence and good corporate governance.

Account Officer (AO)
Aceh, Batam (Kepulauan Riau), Dumai (Riau), Padang (Sumatera Barat), Padang Sidempuan (Sumatera Utara), Pekanbaru (Riau), Pematangsiantar (Sumatera Utara), Tanjung Pinang (Kepulauan Riau)


  1. Minimum S1 dari segala jurusan ( IPK = 2,75 )
  2. Berpenampilan menarik, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik, Pria / Wanita, usia maksimum 26 tahun
  3. Menyukai tantangan dan pekerjaan marketing
  4. Menguasai program komputer dengan baik, khususnya Windows dan Microsoft Office
  5. Bersedia ditempatkan di Pekanbaru, Rantau Prapat, Batam, Aceh, Padang Sidempuan, Tanjung Pinang, Dumai, Siantar dan Padang
  6. Bagi kandidat yang terpilih akan diberikan program training khusus MDP (selama 9 bulan) di Jakarta
  7. Diutamakan yang mampu berbahasa Hokkien (merupakan nilai tambah)

Bila Ya, segera kirimkan Data Lamaran, CV, dan Pas Photo Anda dan cantumkan kode “AO” pada lamaran ke :
PO BOX 1028
selambat-lambatnya 07 September 2012
