Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS)
Job Description
- Attend a comprehensive education program in the Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS) where there will be a combination of classroom education and OJT (On the Job Training Program)
- Learn overall company's business processes activities, observe and analysis of field conditions
Job Requirements
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Possess Bachelor (S1) degree from University with minimum accreditation score B
- Maximum age 27 years old by 2012
- Sound mind and body
- Minimum English score from reputable institutions TOEFL: PBT (450)/ IBT (45) /IELTS 5.5 /TOEIC 550
- Copy of Surat Bebas NAPZA (Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif)
- Copy of Surat Keterangan Cakap Kelakuan (SKCK)
- Active in organizational activities and willing to be placed all over PT. Pertamina (Persero) operational area
- Test location: Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Makassar, Jayapura
Specific Requirements
- BPS Manajemen Pemasaran (Code: F-BPS-MAN2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Management
- BPS Hukum (Code: F-BPS-HKM2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Law
- BPS Akuntansi (Code: F-BPS-AKU2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Accounting
- BPS Teknik Industri (Code: F-BPS-TIN2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Industrial Engineering
- BPS Teknik Mesin (Code: F-BPS-MES2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering
- BPS Teknik Sipil (Konstruksi) (Code: F-BPS-SIP2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Civil Engineering
- BPS Statistik (Code: F-BPS-STA2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Statistical/ Statistics
- BPS Teknik Kimia (Code: F-BPS-KIM2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree in any major
- BPS Teknik Geologi (Code: F-BPS-GEO2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Geological Engineering
- BPS Teknik Perminyakan (Code: F-BPS-MYK2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Petroleum Engineering
- BPS Teknik Lingkungan (Code: F-BPS-LIN2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Enviromental Engineering
- BPS Teknik Metalurgi (Code: F-BPS-MET2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Metallurgical Engineering
- BPS Manajemen Keuangan (Code: F-BPS-KEU2): Possess Bachelor (S1) degree in any major
Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA)
Job Description
- Attend a comprehensive education program in the Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA) where there will be a combination of classroom education and OJT (On the Job Training Program)
- Learn overall company's business processes activities, observe and analysis of field conditions
Job Requirements
- Minimum GPA 2.75
- Possess Diploma 3 degree from University with minimum accreditation score B
- Maximum age 25 years old by 2012
- Sound mind and body
- Minimum English score TOEFL: PBT (400)/ IBT (30) /IELTS 4.5/TOEIC 500
- Copy of Surat Bebas NAPZA (Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif)
- Copy of Surat Keterangan Cakap Kelakuan (SKCK)
- Active in organizational activities and willing to be placed all over PT. Pertamina (Persero) operational area
Specific Requirements
- BPA Manajemen Pemasaran (Code: F-BPA-MAN2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Management
- BPA Akuntansi (Code: F-BPA-AKU2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Accounting
- BPA Teknik Mesin (Code: F-BPA-MES2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering
- BPA Teknik Industri (Code: F-BPA-TIN2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Industrial Engineering
- BPA Teknik Sipil (Konstruksi) (Code: F-BPA-SPK2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Civil Engineering
- BPA Teknik Sipil (Struktur) (Code: F-BPA-TSS2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Civil Engineering
- BPA Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat / Listrik) (Code: F-BPA-TEK2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Electrical Engineering
- BPA Teknik Elektro (Arus Lemah / Instrumen) (Code: F-BPA-TEL2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Electrical Engineering
- BPA Teknik Fisika (Code: F-BPA-FIS2): Possess Diploma 3 degree in Physics Engineering
- BPA Teknik Kimia (Code: F-BPA-KIM2): Possess Diploma 3 degree in Chemical Engineering
- BPA Hukum (Code: F-BPA-HKM2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Law
- BPA Statistik (Code: F-BPA-STA2): Possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Statistical/ Statistics
Should you interested and meet the requirements above please apply at link belownot later than September 29, 2012 (Click on "Vacancy" - "Fresh Graduate"). PT Pertamina (Persero) and its subsidiaries will only process shortlisted applicants whom meet to our standards and qualifications for the position. PT Pertamina (Persero) and its subsidiaries do not solicit payments from job seekers or payments for fees, work permits or the like. Any requests for such payments should be regarded as fraudulent. If you receive a genuine offer of a job with us, whether the offer is made directly by us or through an agency, you will not be required to pay any money towards administration fees.